3rd Training Workshop
The 3rd Training Workshop was organized by DTU Physics SURFCAT from the 9th to the 12th November 2021.
The workshop started with a lecture of prof. Harry Atwater that presented the objectives and the last achievements of the new Liquid Sunlight Alliance (LiSA), followed by a visit of DTU Physics SURFCAT laboratories.

Day 2 began with the lecture “Basics in electrochemistry” of our host prof. Peter Vesborg about the laboratory electrochemical measurements and the common mistakes to avoid. Dr. Carlos Escudero presented ALBA synchrotron, the beamlines currently in operation and the available characterization techniques. During the day, we also did the technical hands-on “Visualizing OER” in which we observed the catalytic activity of different metals when performing oxygen evolution reaction and then we analyzed them with scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. In the afternoon, we focused on “Creativity and problem solving” with the support of Dr. Steve Cross.

Day 3 was opened by the lecture of prof. Aleksandr Savateev about “Local active sites on solid surfaces: reactivity of defects” with a special focus on graphitic carbon nitride. Then, it was the turn of the second part of Dr. Carlos Escudero lecture, in which he described CIRCE beamline in ALBA synchrotron and the Near Ambient Pressure Photoemission Spectroscopy. Prof. Csaba Janaky afterwards explained us the “Basics in photoelectrochemistry” with examples of the characterizations techniques suited to study photoelectrochemical devices. In the afternoon, we concluded the workshop with two lectures from Dr. Collier and Dr. Leacy about “Writing a research proposal” and “How to make your CV stand out from the crowd”.